WHITNEY HOUSTON'S recent death was announced this afternoon. when Michael Jackson died, i made some effort to think about other brilliant stars who i would hate to lose. like Janis, Jimi, Jim Morrison, John Bonham, and many others before them, Whitney and Michael were not able to handle the life of fame. conflicted with their extreme amount of sensitivity and talent , they were overwhelmed.....
i thought of Madonna, Aretha and Joni Mitchell..
since i have been playing with Astrology for so many years, i have seen some rather remarkable coincidences and could no way say that there isn't something to Astrology. after studying Whitney's chart, i can see there are some very obviously critical aspects that happened just as she passed. Mars recently passed over all her planets in Leo(Venus, Sun) and Virgo(Uranus, Mercury, Neptune). and at the time of her death, Pluto(8Capricorn) was about to exactly Square her natal Mars(9Libra).

so i am going to put a little out here regarding Madonna, Aretha, and Joni. just so i can feel like i did something. something i wish i could have done for Whitney and Michael...and several more close friends...
the first chart here is for Madonna. click on the charts to enlarge them

lastly, we have Joni. she has the most complicated chart of the three. her chart includes a rather involved T-Square. the Venus(29Virgo)-Neptune(4Libra) Conjunction Opposes the Moon(25Pisces) and Squares the Mars(22Gemini)-Saturn(26Gemini) Conjunction. i think this is the first time i've really looked at her chart. wow. so very psychic and sensitive and empathetic and all that good stuff....she has obviously overcome the challenge of being so open. Mars hits the end of Virgo at the end of June this year. this may be a time for caution. Mars hits the end of Pisces in February of 2015. this may also be a time for more caution.